Schalast | Team

Katja Hoos

Attorney | Partner




Katja Hoos is a partner, a certified specialist lawyer in medical law and an expert in pharmaceutical law and for medtech innovations. She heads the Healthcare & Life Sciences practice group and specialises in advising at the interface of law, technology and healthcare.

Katja's clients include established companies as well as innovative start-ups in the medical field. With an in-depth understanding of the complex regulatory requirements and practical challenges in the healthcare and life sciences sector, Katja Hoos advises these clients comprehensively on specific legal issues.

This advice often begins at the product development stage and continues through the regulatory process to successful market launch, always with a focus on specific compliance requirements.

Katja Hoos also specialises in legal issues relating to artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare, particularly in the context of the new requirements of the AI Act. She uses her expertise to help companies successfully and confidently navigate these complex regulatory hurdles.

She also has extensive experience in medical liability law and has successfully defended numerous doctors, dentists and hospitals in complex liability cases. Katja Hoos therefore also advises her clients on medical and product liability issues - and represents them in court if necessary.

Katja Hoos studied law at the Philipps University of Marburg, specialising in medical and pharmaceutical law. She also completed a postgraduate course in pharmaceutical law and obtained an additional qualification in food law.
She was admitted to the German Bar in 2017.


KI trifft auf Medizinprodukte – Das zukünftige Zusammenspiel von AI-Act und MDR, ZfPC – Zeitschrift für Produkt Compliance 04/2024