Schalast | Team

Dr. Christoph T. Thies

Attorney | Partner | Certified Specialist for Labour Law

Christoph Thies is responsible for providing labour law advice in Schalast's Hamburg office. As a specialist in labour law, he advises and represents companies and executives comprehensively in individual and collective labour law issues.


Christoph Thies studied law at the University of Bielefeld, where he already focused on labour law. After his legal internship in Hamburg with stations at the labour court, the personnel office and a major international law firm in Toronto, Canada, he worked for twelve years at an established labour law boutique in Hamburg. Since joining Schalast at the beginning of 2021, he has advised clients in the Hamburg office on all aspects of labour law, focusing on the insurance, hospital and retail sectors as well as on labour law in the public sector.

In addition to his work as a lawyer, Christoph Thies conducts seminars and training courses on labour law, including for the Center for Education and Training of the Free Hanseatic City of Hamburg (ZAF) or the Kommunales Bildungswerk e.V. He lectures in the specialist lawyer courses for labour law at Juristische Fachseminare.


  • Liebers/Hoefs, Formularbuch des Fachanwalts Arbeitsrecht, Luchterhand, 6. Aufl. 2021 (Kapitel: Anbahnung des Arbeitsverhältnisses, Personalvertretungsrecht)
  • Ruge/Krömer/Pawlak/Rabe v. Pappenheim, Lexikon „Arbeitsrecht im öffentlichen Dienst", Hütig Jehle Rehm, 14. Aufl. 2021 (Stichworte: Arbeitsvertrag, Dienstreise, Familienpflegezeit, Pflegezeit, Probezeit)
  • Der Schutz des Arbeitnehmers bei Abschluss arbeitsrechtlicher Aufhebungsverträge, Logos Verlag Berlin 2007 (Dissertation)