Schalast | Team

Christian Ritter von Strobl-Albeg

Attorney | Partner

Christian Ritter von Strobl-Albeg is a partner at the Stuttgart office. His legal practice focuses on advising and representing clients in competition law, intellectual property and copyright law, image rights and entertainment law.

Juve reports about him: "He is known for his legal specialization in influencer marketing" (source: Juve)

He advises companies on all matters of general commercial and civil law. He also represents celebrities, photographers, musicians and other public figures, in particular well-known influencers.


Christian Ritter von Strobl-Albeg was born in Stuttgart. He studied law in Tübingen and completed his legal traineeship in Stuttgart. From 2018 to 2019, he was a partner at the media law firm Löffler-Wenzel-Sedelmeier PartG mbB in Stuttgart. In 2020, he joined Derpa, Bender & Sigler PartG mbB in Stuttgart as a partner.


  • Autorenbeitrag Lebensmittel Zeitung: Geschäftsgeheimnisschutz erfordert aktives Handeln v. 04.08.2023
  • Gastbeitrag Horizont: Warum Influencern eine neue Abmahnwelle droht v. 08.08.2022
  • Autorenbeitrag Lebensmittelzeitung: Werbeverträge mit Influencern erfordern Fingerspitzengefühl v. 09.09.2022
  • Ein Fall für den EuGH? Legal Tribune Online v. 30.04.2021
  • Verborgen = Getarnt? Anmerkung zu KG Urteil v. 08. Januar 2019 in Neue Justiz 2019 S. 165 (Influencer-Marketing)
  • Abmahnungen im Influencer-Marketing: Vorsicht Schleichwerbung! Legal Tribune Online v. 05.11.2019