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Schalast advises founders and shareholders of DBU - Digital Business University of Applied Sciences GmbH on exit


Schalast advised the founders and shareholders of DBU - Digital Business University of Applied Sciences GmbH ("DBU"), Prof Dr Achim Hecker and Dr Holger Bingmann, as well as the auditing and consulting firm PwC Germany as an additional shareholder on their exit to Kienbaum und Partner GmbH.

DBU is a state-recognised private business school with accredited degree programmes. Its aim is to optimally prepare students for the digital working world of tomorrow.

With this acquisition, the Kienbaum Group intends to expand its portfolio and offer an answer to the shortage of skilled labour. The family-run Cologne-based HR consultancy intends to provide its clients with even more comprehensive and targeted support for their talent and leadership development projects. Furthermore, the acquirer hopes that this step – which represents a forward-looking model for cooperation between talent, companies and educational institutions in the age of lifelong learning – will also serve as a role model for others, as the demand for a holistic and lifelong learning programme consisting of academic training and further education modules is very high.

The founders of the university, Prof Dr Achim Hecker as Managing Director and Dr Holger Bingmann as Senior Advisor, will remain with the university in their respective roles. This gives the acquirer the opportunity to further develop the visionary founding idea of the two to create "an innovative business school for the digital age" together.